Jesus Falls the First Time
This is a child page of Follow the Stations of the Cross

We adore thee O Christ, and we bless you.
Because of your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Unless a grain of wheat falls unto the earth and dies, it remains alone: but if it dies it bears much fruit (In 12:24)
The Bible mentions neither this fall not the others. But we must remember that Jesus had undergone the appalling Roman scourging, the pain and exhaustion enough to kill anyone.
With repeated blows of the cudgel, the crown of thorns was driven into his sacred head. It is astonishing how our Lord did not lose consciousness when the heavy weight of the cross was placed on his shoulders. His resources were not totally drained.
People of goodwill can surely help the Redeemer as he carries his cross. There are those who wish to do so, and we shall encounter them as we go along.
Let us now ask our Lord to forgive us, for we too have placed unnecessary burdens on his shoulders.
Our Father …..
Oh, how sad and sore distressed
Was that Mother highly blest
Of the sole-begotten one!