Jesus takes up His Cross

This is a child page of Follow the Stations of the Cross


We adore thee O Christ, and we bless you.
Because of your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

...Jesus went out, bearing his cross, to the place called “Place of the Skull”, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha (In 19:17)

Lord, you accept from humankind the same cross, which from all eternity, you told your heavenly Father you were ready to bear in freedom and in love. It was not the human race that placed their sins on your shoulders, making you a scapegoat, but it was you who had freely taken upon yourself our sins: everything you suffered would have otherwise been in vain.

To impose the burden of one’s guilt on another is to disclaim any sort of personal culpability. It was not your Father who placed the burden on your shoulders, but the whole Trinity decreed that you should redeem the world lost in sin. You offered yourself to the father in the Holy Spirit, in order to bring to completion on the cross the work of creation, and the Father - moved by the same Spirit – accepted your sacrifice.

Welcome beloved Cross! You are the means by which we can finally and effectively show the world the immensity of God’s love.

Our Father ……

Thought her heart, his sorrow sharing,
All his bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length the sword has passed.